by Christi Barrett | Communication, Mutual Understanding
Is it easier to communicate effectively in a small organization? Not necessarily. I have talked with many employees and owners of small businesses who bemoan the fact that they find it difficult to communicate even with a handful of employees. Ian Langworth moved from...
by Christi Barrett | Communication, Mutual Understanding
Profound wisdom from Albert Einstein: “If you can’t explain it simply, then you don’t understand it well enough.” I was reminded of this quotation when I attempted to gain an understanding of our family’s new healthcare coverage....
by Christi Barrett | Communication, Mutual Understanding
I just read a post that made me wince. Fred K. posted on LinkedIn about making a mistake at the end of meetings. I think I actually make that same mistake via email and in casual conversations not infrequently. That mistake is making fuzzy commitments. According to...
by Christi Barrett | Mutual Understanding
I am in a meeting with someone, talking about the status of projects, next steps and responsibilities. As usual, I bring along a notepad and pen to jot down important details that I know I won’t remember. (I have given up the illusion that I am capable of...
by Christi Barrett | Communication, Discipline, Emotional Intelligence, Growth, Leadership, Mutual Understanding, Organizational Climate
We typically associate ritual with religious services, mystical practices or organizations like the Masons. A ritual, according to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, is 1) the established form for a ceremony or 2) a ritual observance, ceremonial act or an act (or...
by Christi Barrett | Communication, Mutual Understanding
In honor of our 150th blog post, Humanergy is giving you a little present – our shortest post yet. It’s a simple idea, really. Just for today, listen to yourself. It’s easy to move and think and speak so fast that you aren’t aware of what you...