by David Wheatley | Teamwork
Sofia didn’t recognize what was going on until Jason joined the team. The group had been chugging along, producing apparently-great work with few problems. Jason was the first new team member in a couple of years, and he shared some surprising observations. For...
by David Wheatley | Creativity, Growth, Organizational Climate, Teamwork
This humble pile of stones has been created (and re-created) at Humanergy’s back door. Although I created it initially, it is not uncommon to find people adding to the stack or re-building it after a strong wind or curious squirrel took its toll. Rock stacking...
by Christi Barrett | Communication, Conflict, Teamwork
Nobody’s perfect. That seems like a pretty simple and well-accepted notion. However, when dealing with people at work, you need (or at least want) them to do the right things. The fact that others don’t always do what they “should” can leave...
by Christi Barrett | Leadership, Teamwork
I am a card-carrying member of ASDT (Adult Survivors of a Dysfunctional Team). I am sure that it is just a coincidence (or the fact that I have been working for many, many years), but I’ve served on a few teams that were not productive. Dysfunctional teams do...
by Lynn Townsend | Teamwork
(Guest blogger: Lynn Townsend, a former Humanergy communications champion) Humanergy is all about teamwork – in the office, at home and helping our clients work together more effectively. Is there a time when going solo is better? We think so. Consider going it...
by Christi Barrett | Leadership, Teamwork
Some organizational cultures embrace and even insist upon regular peer-to-peer feedback. In other companies, if you give a peer a suggestion, it may be perceived as odd or even “none of your business.” (It is your business, of course, if your success is dependent upon...