Does your team need to re-form?

Does your team need to re-form?

Sofia didn’t recognize what was going on until Jason joined the team. The group had been chugging along, producing apparently-great work with few problems. Jason was the first new team member in a couple of years, and he shared some surprising observations. For...
Feed your team

Feed your team

I am a card-carrying member of ASDT (Adult Survivors of a Dysfunctional Team). I am sure that it is just a coincidence (or the fact that I have been working for many, many years), but I’ve served on a few teams that were not productive. Dysfunctional teams do...
When two heads are not better than one

When two heads are not better than one

(Guest blogger: Lynn Townsend, a former Humanergy communications champion) Humanergy is all about teamwork – in the office, at home and helping our clients work together more effectively. Is there a time when going solo is better? We think so. Consider going it...
Navigating feedback to peers

Navigating feedback to peers

Some organizational cultures embrace and even insist upon regular peer-to-peer feedback. In other companies, if you give a peer a suggestion, it may be perceived as odd or even “none of your business.” (It is your business, of course, if your success is dependent upon...