by David Wheatley | Delegation, Training
Daisy is a cow. She just got a new field. Daisy is excited and a little anxious about this new field. On the first day, Daisy’s anxiety caused her to stick pretty much to the middle of the field. Emily, the farmer, left her alone to find her own way. A few days later,...
by Christi Barrett | Influence, Supervision
Bosses come in all shapes, sizes and types. Knowing how to manage up, influence and collaborate with Boss A does not guarantee you’ll get good results with Boss B. Yet there are some general principles that apply to everyone, like getting to know your...
by Christi Barrett | Communication, Supervision
You are a dedicated supervisor, and you take the time to engage in conversation with your people on a regular basis. Great job! Yet you may not be having the right kind of discussions – the ones that build employee engagement. Kristi Hedges, who wrote Four...
by Christi Barrett | Communication
Tom is a new supervisor who wants to do the right thing for his direct reports. When he began his leadership journey, he thought his job was to have or find the right answers. He’s beginning to understand that his real job is enabling others to learn and grow,...
by Tiffany Funk | About Humanergy, Development, Growth, Learning, New Leaders
Welcome, guest blogger, Tiffany Funk, who joined Humanergy in June. As the newest member of the team, I was given the opportunity to participate in a recent “Effective Meetings and Time Management” session of the Supervisory Leadership Certificate program....